I’m just a guy enjoying his life, his backyard and trying to make a difference in the process. I feel we all have an obligation to make the most of the moments given to us. To push our personal envelopes.
I feel lucky to have been given this opportunity to push mine. Even more I’m proud to have helped others find their own envelope. I’m forever grateful to everyone who pushed mine when I was tired.
I intend to raise money for Camp Mak A Dream because I believe in the cause.
I had cancer when I was 17.
Luckily I was well taken care of and got a pretty lucky roll. It changed my life forever. Many others aren’t as lucky.
I’m out here using my body because too many people can’t and someday I too won’t be able to.
So Carpe Diem!! Right?
I would love to use my project to help raise money and awareness for other institutions that help the world around them.
There are heros making a difference in the world every day, and I bet you are one of them.
If you are and you can use my help, please get in touch.
To Life,